To me living off the grid means not being hooked up, you know with those lines running from your house to whatever electric co, phone co, cable co, gas co, water company, etc. It means living small in a big way, one that reduces your property tax, keeps you busy growing your own food, building your own house, learning pottery to make your pots rather than buzzing on over to Walmart to buy the imported from God only knows where Pottery. Raising sheep for wool, chickens for eggs, bartering rather than using fiat money, tuning in to the sounds of nature which nuture the soul rather than beat it to a pulp like so many of the urban sounds we are bombarded by. Off the grid means you value your individuality more than being one of the herd. Off the grid is a return to living the way it was before cell phones, televison, electricity, and cable t.v. It is a step back in time to advance beyond the devolution which is rotting America from the inside out. Off the grid is a bold, decisive, couragous step in self reliance. It's not for everyone, but it certainly appeals to me. None of this living off the grid is chiseled in stone, so any combination of the above will work. Everyone is different, thank God for that! I'm currently considering something I read about generating your own electricity.
http://www.homemade-energy.com/review.php?:tid=makow But that is only a start, I'll be doing plenty of research to find the most bang for whatever investment I'll have to make.
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